Existing Renovation
1120 Sq. Ft. Existing Living Space.
410 Sq. Ft Existing Garage Area
236 Sq Ft Existing Back Patio Area
392 Sq. Ft Living Room Addition
Total Building Footprint 2158 Sq. Ft
Brief Description
* Rearrange kitchen design.
* Add Living space to the front left side of home.
* Remove and replace back patio area.
* Change roof design on the existing garage.
* Upgrade HVAC
* Change front bedroom to an office
410 Sq. Ft Existing Garage Area
236 Sq Ft Existing Back Patio Area
392 Sq. Ft Living Room Addition
Total Building Footprint 2158 Sq. Ft
Brief Description
* Rearrange kitchen design.
* Add Living space to the front left side of home.
* Remove and replace back patio area.
* Change roof design on the existing garage.
* Upgrade HVAC
* Change front bedroom to an office
Click PDF symbol to download the file

existing_house_remodel.pdf |
Lidar Scan
Link will open up LiDAR web viewing App. Once open- to view in 3d or 2d - click the button that has arrows and 3d on it, located center top of screen. Give time to load. Once that view opens up, if you want to change to View Color mode, click the layer tab located on the right side of screen. Tab right above the lightening tab. Then click the point cloud arrow to the far right to open up drop down to pick from. Click material button arrow, then pick from the drop down. To close side window click the layer tab.
To orbit around use the right mouse button. To pan use the left mouse button. To zoom in/out use the mouse wheel.
Double clicking on the blue spheres will open up a 360 image.
To download LiDAR click deliverables on the right side of screen. If tab is closed click chevron to open slide out window. Then look for point cloud file .laz- click to download. This file takes special programs to open. Most engineers and architects will have this type of software to work with point cloud data.
Link will open up LiDAR web viewing App. Once open- to view in 3d or 2d - click the button that has arrows and 3d on it, located center top of screen. Give time to load. Once that view opens up, if you want to change to View Color mode, click the layer tab located on the right side of screen. Tab right above the lightening tab. Then click the point cloud arrow to the far right to open up drop down to pick from. Click material button arrow, then pick from the drop down. To close side window click the layer tab.
To orbit around use the right mouse button. To pan use the left mouse button. To zoom in/out use the mouse wheel.
Double clicking on the blue spheres will open up a 360 image.
To download LiDAR click deliverables on the right side of screen. If tab is closed click chevron to open slide out window. Then look for point cloud file .laz- click to download. This file takes special programs to open. Most engineers and architects will have this type of software to work with point cloud data.